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In order to apply for NAHS you must complete the following:

  1. Members must have and maintain a minimum GPA of 90% in all art classes beginning with Studio in Art.

  2. Must maintain a minimum GPA of 85% in all other classes.

  3. Must have a minimum of 3 High School art credits by the end of the school year in which you apply.

  4. While a member, you must be enrolled in an art class every semester and have been enrolled in at least one art class for every year you have been in high school.

  5. Members will be required to arrange their schedules to accommodate weekly, Monday after school meetings from 2:50-3:50. Officers will meet every Monday, club members every other Monday.

  6. Must attend 80% of scheduled meetings each semester. Being a member of this charter means NAHS becomes the priority over other extra-curricular activities/sports.

  7. Members who fail to comply with the bylaws may lose the privilege of wearing honor cords at graduation and risk dismissal from the society.  

NAHS membership responsibilities include services to the school and the community:  5 hours 1st semester and 5 hours 2nd semester, 10 total for the year. 2 of your 5 hours each semester should be an art activity in which you initiate on your own by contacting other teachers or community members.  Remember, ALL your hours should be art focused.



National Art Honor Society By-Laws


Section 1.   A chapter may wish to include bylaws to amplify sections of its constitution.  A current

         copy of the local chapter bylaws must be filed with the NAEA.


Section 2.   To remain a member in good standing, a member must pay dues and complete five

          service hours in the visual arts each semester. 


Section 3.   Annual dues of $5 will be collected from each member; $15.00 for seniors to pay for

          graduation cords and membership. Money is due at the induction ceremony.


Section 4.   Attendance is required at 80% of meetings to maintain membership and privileges.


Section 5.   All members must participate in a minimum of two activities per semester and at least
          one school and/or community art show per year.  


Section 6.   For the NAHS officers, attendance is also required at any executive meetings called

          outside of the regularly scheduled meetings.  


Section 7.   To graduate with NAHS honors and earn the right to wear a cord, pin, or tassel at 

         graduation, a member must remain in good standing until the graduation date.


Section 8.  Members must retain a minimum 90 average in art classes. 


Section 9.   Members must retain an 85 average in all other classes.


Section 10.  Members must be enrolled in an art class to remain in active membership.


Section 11.  In the event of an infraction of the school rules, a review by the officers and advisors

         will be conducted.  If the individual in question is an officer, he/she will not participate in the

         decision-making process.  This applies to all community laws as well as school and

         chapter rules.

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